JMT Architecture was engaged by the UMB School of Dentistry to fit-out, remodel and modify various areas…
The School of Nursing is the second building on the new Round Rock campus of the University; its massing…
The School of Nursing had been housed in the Fogarty Life Sciences Building since its inception. The…
Gewirz Hall is a twelve-story 224,000 GSF residence hall of 154 apartment-style units on Georgetown University’s…
The new building provides instructional and research space for the University’s undergraduate science…
JMT’s architects provided programming and design services for a complete renovation and expansion of…
JMT Architecture has programmed, planned and designed a 21,455 GSF replacement facility for the existing…
The five-story, 255,000 SF building provides all the functions of the law school program under one roof…
The new Perdue School of Business building defines the edge of the campus and creates a new academic…