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Dan Himmer our new Building Envelope Commissioning Provider (BECxP)
Say hello to Dan Himmer, our new Building Envelope Commissioning Provider (BECxP)! This qualification gives him the expertise to lead the quality process from design phase through construction and building occupancy to verify that the owner’s goals are achieved. The BECxP is an expert in the design, construction, and maintenance of building enclosures, and provides the technical knowledge and experience to implement and manage BECx activities.
Typical of the BECxP role:
- Develop the commissioning scope
- Perform design phase reviews of the building’s envelope design
- Develop commissioning specifications
- Schedule commissioning tasks and assignments
- Review construction submittals
- Develop pre-construction quality control checklists to avoid systemic errors
- Specify and observe quality control testing of envelope systems
- Develop commissioning report
Benefits to the owner:
- Reduction in change orders and claims due to design scope or coordination issues.
- Fewer deficiencies at substantial completion.
- Smoother building turnover and improved O&M knowledge/serviceability
- Higher performing building envelope: reduced operating costs, improved occupant comfort and indoor air quality
- Fewer maintenance issues
We are proud of Dan’s accomplishment and look forward to providing the BECxP services to our clients.